Don't Postpone Your Annual Checkup

Sunday, September 11, 2011

You feel terrific! So when strangers guess your age five years younger than your birth date, you're flattered but not that surprised. After all, you exercise, watch your diet, and are fully engaged in life. While some of your friends may be visiting doctors like it's their job, you never go – and pride yourself on it. So, what's wrong with this picture of health? You're missing your annual check-up – and medical experts say that's a big mistake.

This week is Women's Health Week, and it's a good time to remember that annual medical check-ups are the foundation of health. In fact, some medical experts say by missing them you may be risking your good health by letting the early stages of a possible disease go undiagnosed. The government agrees and that's why the Health Care Reform Act puts a spotlight on preventive health. It's expanded Medicare's "Wellness Visit" from a one-time offer to an annual checkup.

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To make the most out of your visit, consider these suggested guidelines:

• Make it clear when you're making an appointment that this is a "wellness" check-up and you have no specific complaints or medical problems – if that's the case. Remember, insurance will pay for an annual "wellness" visit, not necessarily for a complaint about a pain in your neck.

• Prepare to devote between 30 to forty minutes for your visit. If it's your first time at this doctor, get there early to fill out paperwork.

• During an annual check-up you should be evaluated for all chronic medical conditions, which may include diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease or arthritis. Medications should be documented and analyzed, as should any medical problems, surgeries and any hospital admissions you may have had in the past.

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• The doctor should also take down your family history, including whether your parents are still alive. If not, what was the cause of death? Do you have brothers and sisters and are they healthy? How many children do you have? Are your children healthy? Is there a family history of diabetes, cancer, heart disease or memory loss? Don't hold back. Be open.

• Your doctor should also ask about your "healthy" habits which includes exercise routine, usual diet, how much alcohol you drink, whether you take recreational drugs, if you smoke and if you're sexually active.  You might be tempted here to fudge the truth, but it's much better to be honest.

• A physician will also read off a list of symptoms which will include questions asking if you have shortness of breath, chest pain or palpitations – all of which, for example, may indicate heart disease.

• And of course there are the standards. Each examination should include a measurement of height, weight and blood pressure as well as an assessment of cognitive function. Your physician should conduct a careful examination of the head and neck, heart, lungs, abdomen and extremities. A pelvic exam might be needed if you have neglected annual visits to your gynecologist.

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• Medicare and other insurance policies also pay for screening tests approved by the United States Preventive Services Task Force. This includes blood tests for elevated cholesterol, diabetes and pap smears. Mammograms, colonoscopies, ultrasounds to detect aortic aneurysms, and a bone density test to screen for osteoporosis are also included. Depending on the clinical situation, nutrition counseling is covered, too.

Be aware that several of these tests are not covered annually. They do, however, have recommended screening schedules that will be covered. Speak to your doctor about what they are. For example, regular screening for colorectal cancer starts at age fifty. Osteoporosis tests (bone density tests) usually are prescribed at age 65. If you are between the ages of 60 and 64 and weigh 154 lbs. or less, talk to your physician about whether you should be tested earlier.

If you feel anxiety about visiting your doctor, try to relax. There's an excellent chance you'll leave your annual wellness visit with a clean bill of health.


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