How a Kettlebell can Really Help People get in Shape

Friday, August 5, 2011 0 comments

Many people today are working hard to become physically fit and stay
that way. Unfortunately, there are so many workout regimes on the
market that people are not sure which are really the best for them.
The reason for this is that people often hear strengthening is the
most important part of a workout whilst others say that cardio is top
priority. Completing both cardio and strength training takes up a
great deal of time so many individuals push off the workout repeatedly
because it does not fit into one?s busy schedule.
A kettlebell has created a solution to this problem. This workout tool
is a ball which resembles a bowling ball, but has a handle on the top.
It is used in various movements and exercises to provide both a cardio
and strength training workout. A kettlebell has been helping many
people get into shape.
The kettlebell accomplishes this because these workouts focus on
working multiple sets of muscles at one time. By working multiple
muscles at once, the kettlebell can help people get in shape by
firming these muscles simultaneously.
This benefits people because they do not have to spend hours toning in
the gym. Working just 10 minutes a day on individual muscles may
require a person to spend countless hours in the gym every day. A
kettlebell workout works all the muscles in the entire body in just 20
minutes a day.
A kettlebell workout involves a variety of swings and lunges which
results in one of the most effective cardio workouts. A cardio workout
gets the heart pumping faster which burns calories. These burned
calories contribute to weight loss. A few repetitions with a
kettlebell will get a person sweating in no time which means the heart
is working harder.
Another way a kettlebell workout helps people get in shape is by
strengthening a person?s core. The core is a person?s trunk which
includes abdominals, obliques, back muscles, and the glutes. When
these parts of the core are strengthened a person is much more fit
which can increase other activities. A strengthened core can improve a
person?s workout which will help other areas of the body.
Additionally, a stronger core can help a person lift items on a daily
basis and improve posture. All of these contribute in helping a person
get in shape.
A kettlebell can improve a person?s overall physical fitness much
faster than traditional workouts.
About Author:
Adrian Burton is the director in R.K.P.S. It is a leading provider of
certified kettlebell instructors in the UK delivering quality
kettlebell instructor courses to personal trainers, fitness instructor
and kettlebell training enthusiasts.

Diet For Cycling


What is the best diet for cycling performance? Well, first we need to
define the word diet. I'm talking about the foods you put into your
body on a day-to-day basis. I'm not talking about restricting yourself
to lose weight and consequently fitness in many cases.
There's nothing difficult about choosing the right foods to maximize
your performance on the bike. Here are some simple guidelines for a
healthy diet that apply to everyone. Just learn a few basic
principles, apply some common sense, and soon you will be eating
healthy and reaping the benefits. Here's a sample athlete diet menu to
give you an idea of a typical day of eating for fitness.
Diet is one of the most overlooked components of fitness for athletes.
Many of us are committed to hours and hours of training, but then seem
to forget our discipline when it comes to eating. It is even more
important for athletes to stick to a well-balanced healthy diet to
ensure the body is getting the nutrition it needs for fuel and
Modifying your diet with the tips provided on this site may well be
the missing link in taking your cycling fitness to the next level.
Nutrition for Sports E-book
A comprehensive review of sports nutrition with an eye to the
aerobic-endurance athlete. Cyclists, runners, triathletes, and walkers
will appreciate the down-to-earth practical advice, the debunking of
advertising, as well as the detailed explanations and comprehensive
reference material provided about every vitamin and mineral.
What is a Bad Diet?
An article that describes which foods are good for physical fitness
and which foods are bad.
What is the Meaning of Nutrition?
A discussion of the meaning of nutrition, the six categories of
nutrition and its importance in maintaining good physical fitness.
Lipo 6 Diet Pill Review
Lipo 6 stands out from the rest of the fat burning pills out there in
the market because it contains five of the most popular fat burning
chemicals known.

Cool Contemporary Style Residential ReduxBenefits of Physical Activity that You Should Consider


From the outside, it's impossible to tell that this house has been
around for years. The low wall that spans its exterior is coated in
fresh white paint, interrupted only by a recessed slab of
cast-in-place concrete. A line of lithe bamboo stalks lend a
refreshing lightness to the contemporary structure. The house is
actually on its third renovation. The former structure, though not
entirely passé in architectural style, suffered from weathered
wallpaper, dated interior arches, and unkempt gardens.
The original open-plan living and dining areas were updated with cove
lighting, along with streamlined angles and bold color schemes, but
several facets of the structure were up for a much-needed redo,
including dated bathroom tiles, rundown kitchen shelves, and bare
gardens. Apart from the obvious aesthetic problems, the renovation
also focused on space planning.
At the core of the home is the family room, separated from the living
room by a discreet sliding door. The family room links all four
bedrooms and opens out into an elegantly landscaped courtyard. This
room is constantly bathed in morning and afternoon light, even during
overcast days—a surprising departure from its former incarnation as a
badly lit and unsuitably located maid's room. And because the house's
bedrooms are located in a separate wing, the owner was able to install
large windows in the bedrooms and bathrooms, providing every space
with ample lighting, ventilation, and views to landscaped areas

Best Men Health Tips Regarding Bodybuilding


Best Men Health Tips Regarding Bodybuilding
When it comes to bodybuilding, it is the art of building your own body
muscles by doing various exercises and workouts in the gym. They are
many bodybuilding workouts out there but none is more unique and
valuable than bench press for the reason it lends a hand to build your
own chest muscles in a more stronger and compatible manner. Secondly
you can improve your body muscles by doing various other muscle
building workouts in the gym such as dumbbell fly, lunges, military
press, biceps, triceps, squats, and many more. Do not do excessive
workouts in the gym at all for the reason that they often become the
actual cause of your hormonal discharge.
Try to take at least 2 to 3 minutes rest during your muscle building
workouts in the gym for the reason that rest is mandatory for the
bodybuilders at all. Make a daily exercise plan properly. Make a
regular bodybuilding workouts schedule for at least five days a week.
Take little sips of water during the muscle building workouts in the
gym for the reason that water sips help you to refresh your overall
body in a smooth manner. After completing bodybuilding exercises, you
should take at least one hour rest at home without drinking and eating
anything else. Then you should take a bath with a fresh water to get
yourself completely refreshed.
Drink as many glasses of hygienic water as you can because natural
water works as a stimulator in your body for long time. Oh yes do not
forget to drink fresh juices like orange, apple, pomegranate, peach
and pine apple at all for the reason that natural juices help you to
recharge your body on the dot. Moreover you should regularly take milk
and banana shakes during your bodybuilding schedules on a daily basis.
Also you have to make use of weight gainers during your bodybuilding
routines. Take at least 9 hours sleep and rest during your muscle
building schedule for the reason that rest helps the muscle builders
to gain strong muscle for long time.
Last of all, you should make a plan for recreation during your
bodybuilding workouts routine because entertainment is of the essence
for professional bodybuilders. In short, we have to say that
bodybuilding is mind numbing workout that needs you to be spot on your
tasks all the time. Hope you would have enjoyed this article. So
please do not stop reading our articles on men health fitness.

Avoid Common Bodybuilding-Weightlifting Injuries-Common Mistakes In Gym


Avoid Common Bodybuilding-Weightlifting Injuries-Common Mistakes In Gym
Bodybuilding by weightlifting if done wrongly is a sure recipe for
injuries. Sometimes even painful and permanent injuries that will
derail your bodybuilding program. This article will address the common
injury prone mistakes bodybuilders make in their quest to build a fit
and muscular body and how to avoid those weightlifting injuries.
Many people who workout in gyms complain about backaches and they
blamed it on their desk bound jobs sitting in front of the computer at
long stretches of time. Perhaps they are right. Then why is it that
more bodybuilders have backaches when compared to their non gym going
Aren't those people who lift weights are supposed to have stronger
back muscles to support their musculature and should be less prone to
backaches? I think you are getting the drift. Many bodybuilders suffer
from common weightlifting injuries that they don't even know it.
Many people actually think that if they do not suffer any pain when
they are lifting weights, they are not injured. I want to debunk this
bodybuilding myth right now. You see, many weight lifting injuries are
very often sustained over a period of time.
It is because of the wrong weightlifting form being repeated over and
over through many training sessions that cause the wear and tear of
joints, tendons, cartilages and muscles. Many injuries do not just
occur immediately or overnight like the weights dropping on your toes
or painful muscle tear during your lifts.
Therefore executing your weightlifting movements in the correct form
and techniques not only help your muscles to grow big and fast, it is
also crucial to prevent bodybuilding injuries.
Common causes of injuries can also be attributed to lifting weights
that are too heavy or that the bodybuilder who may be sick, and yet
headed for the gym when his condition is not optimum for handling the
weight he usually lift as he is in a physically weakened state.
So when the weights are too heavy or you are too weak to lift the
weights you usually do, you are forced to cheat by swinging the
weights up using momentum and lowering the weights by using gravity.
These movements not only waste your time in the gym as they are
definitely not helpful in helping you build muscles. They will cause
An example of a common exercise done in the wrong form and a recipe
for injuries is the common bar bell curl.
* Barbell Biceps Curl – This exercise is perhaps the most commonly
executed in the wrong form and causing injuries that people don't even
know why they are injured. In every gym, you will see people swinging
their barbells with their body rocking thru and fro in the movements.
The rocking movement places tremendous stress on the shoulder joint
which is the most unstable joint in the human body and the lower back.
Over time, the shoulder joints and lower back will pay a heavy price
for the wrong form and technique used during the lift.
Other common bodybuilding exercises which are often wrongly executed
are the lat pull down, bench press, leg extension, military press and
list goes on.
So the next time when you have backache or joint pain, don't blame it
on other causes if you are a bodybuilder and that you lift weights
often. Just reflect on the weightlifting exercises you are doing and
examined them as to whether they are the cause of your injuries.
Better yet, hire a personal trainer or a bodybuilding book with
picture illustration and description to learn how to lift weights in
the correct form and technique to prevent common and serious weight
lifting injuries.

4 of the Best Six Pack Abs Bodybuilding Exercise Routines


If you have always wanted to own a six pack, what you need to is to
prepare yourself first for the challenge. This is not going to be
easy, in fact, you will get hurt and get body aches along the way. If
you are determined to build and maintain your muscles though, you will
do fine; as the saying goes: no pain, no gain. When it comes to six
pack abs bodybuilding, you should be ready for the strenuous task of
lifting weights, exercising constantly and consistently every day,
sacrificing alcohol and cigarette smoking, and most importantly,
changing your diet entirely.
Most people want to brandish a six pack but they rarely work for it.
If you want to succeed in six pack abs bodybuilding, you need to
invest time and effort for this activity. If you believe you're all
set, start out by securing the following things first.
1. Know your body and your health. Do you have an existing health
condition? If you do, you need to know what triggers it and if
exercising could potentially risk your health. You need to ask a
doctor or a fitness expert's advice regarding your current health
condition. If you are banned from doing anything close to six pack abs
bodybuilding, abandon your plan immediately.
2. Change your lifestyle. Let us assume that you are perfectly fine
with no critical health condition whatsoever. The next thing you
should do is to change your lifestyle. That means, if you are a smoker
and a drinker, you need to get rid of your vices immediately; say no
to cigarettes and say no to beer.
3. Change your eating routine. You should also change your eating
routine depending on your exercise routine. Most bodybuilders follow a
protein-filled routine; however, others opt for a vegetarian diet. If
you are aiming for six pack abs bodybuilding, you should not choose a
vegan diet since it is important to consume red meat from time to
time. If you have food allergies, consult a dietician or your doctor.
4. Look for the right exercise routine. It is not enough to do
crunches and lifts every day. You must also look for a six pack abs
bodybuilding exercise routine–many fitness experts have formulated
their own routine, all you have to do is to select one that is
compatible with your body type, goals, and health condition.

WHO Cell Phone Use May Increase Brain Cancer Risk


Cell phone use may put you at risk of developing brain tumors,
according to a news release from the World Health Organization. The
organization formed a panel of experts who analyzed evidence ?on the
link between cell phones and brain tumors. The group concluded that
cell phones may increase a user's risk of gliomas, a malignant type of
brain tumor.
It is important to note that this conclusion is not based on a new
study, but several different studies. Past research on the association
between brain tumors and cell phone use has been inconsistent. Some
studies have found a link, others have not.
What Does This Mean for You?
Before you terminate your contract with wireless service provider,
know that this classification does not mean that you will get cancer
if you use a cell phone. It means that there may be an association,
but more research need to be conducted to determine a definitive link.
If future studies find a definitive link, then cell phones would
likely be upgraded from 'possibly carcinogenic' to 'carcinogenic'.

Useful Tips to Grow Taller


Useful Tips to Grow Taller,
Do you wish you could grow taller? If you?re still going through
puberty, there are many things you can do to enhance your height and
overall health. Not being in puberty any longer reduces your chances
of growing taller, but there are still several options for you.
How do we grow taller? When we are infants our bones are made up of a
flexible substance called cartilage. As we grow older this cartilage
firms up and fuses into solid bone, which is why we have more bones
when we?re infants than we do as adults. When we hit puberty the
growth plates at the ends of our longer bones lengthen gradually and
cause aches and pains as we go through abrupt growth spurts.
Good diet and exercise ? While in your younger years is the time to
have a good diet and exercise plan enhance your growth. Eating foods
rich in protein, calories, amino acids, and calcium is crucial for
giving your body the energy and nutrients it needs to grow, function,
and replenish your growing body. With exercise you?ll be increasing
your muscle mass and you?ll become more slender. With your additional
weight your bones will also become stronger in order to support the
extra body weight. Stretching adds another element to help you grow
taller by lengthening your tendons and muscles. Stretching adds
another benefit in the fact that it helps release height growth
hormones that help to lengthen your bones.
Not in puberty any longer? Your options are significantly lessened,
but by altering your wardrobe and posture you can help with the
illusion of looking taller. Wearing pinstripes makes you look taller
and adds a slimming effect as well. Wearing dark colored suits and
outfits as well vs. two toned outfits. Wearing bulky shoes, such as
clogs, boots, and tennis shoes can make your feet look bigger, thus
making you seem taller.
Your posture is also extremely important, both for your appearance and
your health. While slouching can actually make you look shorter and
results in a plethora of health complications, sitting up straight
with your shoulders back and your head up can not only make you look
taller, but it prevents backaches, neck aches, and even carpal tunnel

Premature Aging Signs You Shouldn’t Overlook


Sonja Morgan, cast member of Bravo reality series The Real Housewives of New York City, has always considered herself relatively healthy. She takes care of herself, does yoga and eats well. But at age 47, she saw the signs of age creeping up: Dry skin, cravings for salty snacks, irritability and that impossible-to-lose bulge around the midsection. Should she just chalk it up to getting older, Morgan wondered, or pay closer attention to her body's built-in warning signs?

It's no secret that the body gets older every day. Or that Time will leave its imprint no matter how many downward-facing dog poses we hold. But for most of us, the real mystery is in deciphering the difference between normal aging symptoms and signs of deeper health issues. ForbesWoman asked dieticians, neurologists, dermatologists and anti-aging specialists to set the record straight about the premature aging signs you shouldn't overlook.

"The human body is like a private corporation that you own," says Eric Braverman, a clinical assistant professor at Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York and the author of Younger (Sexier) You. He believes that aging symptoms are like red ink on a balance sheet—if one system is failing, the whole thing may soon collapse. "A lot of people are Lehman Brothers," he says. 

In Pictures: 10 Tricks To Reverse Aging

So are those deepening crow's feet a cosmetic annoyance or something more? Dermatologist Audrey Kunin says one of the first signs of prematurely aging skin is the noticeable loss of a glowing complexion, paired with dark circles, fine lines or dry, less elastic skin. The cosmetic issue can quickly improve by drinking lots of water, eating Vitamin-rich foods and using topical creams with anti-aging ingredients like buffered glycolic acid and retinol, she says.

However, Kunin cautions against dismissing skin issues as "just" age. "Too much sun damage can result in the development of skin cancers as early as one's 20s and 30s," she warns. Kunin recommends consulting a doctor if skin is itchy or bleeding or if a mole changes in size or takes on jagged contours.

Furthermore Lorraine Maita, an internist and anti-aging specialist, suggests taking stock of the color of your skin. What you perceive as dull and faded may be more than skin deep. If it appears too yellow, it could signify a problem in the liver, she says. Likewise, a gray tint may indicate kidney issues, and blue lips might suggest a lack of oxygen from the lungs. Maita notes that wrinkling and sagging skin may not signify an illness but serve as red flags that your tissues are breaking down. Foods rich in antioxidants may help to halt or reverse the damage.

Braverman points out that not all premature aging signs are written on your face. Like Morgan (his patient), many start to see more fat around the belly or at the backs of the arms. At the same time, hands become dry, sleep cycles are interrupted, fatigue sets in and it becomes harder to get started in the mornings. "These are the first markers of brain shrinkage," he says. They could be triggered by a host of factors including smoking, eating fatty, processed foods and not getting enough fresh air. Braverman typically views these brain-agers as a chemical imbalance. After Morgan began taking supplements and hormone replacements, she says her skin became suppler, she felt younger and she stopped craving coffee (a diuretic), alcohol and desserts.

Brain health is crucial, but don't panic over forgotten keys, recommends Elizabeth Somer, a dietician and author of Age-Proof Your Body. "Most people think they remembered things better in their youth than they actually did," she says. However, some habits are proven to protect your brain well into the future. About 60% of brain aging is within our control, she says, by maintaining vigorous exercise routines, a healthy diet, social engagement and stimulating activities or environments. Plus, a study published last year in the journal Alzheimer's and Dementia found that taking Omega-3 DHA supplements took three years off the brain, improving memory and learning skills.

In Pictures: 10 Tricks To Reverse Aging

Somer says that there are some aging indicators that are out of your control. Arthritis and declining vision may simply be a facet of getting older, she laments.

Others don't manifest themselves until it's too late. "There are no symptoms of bone loss until you get a fracture," Somer says. Because most of your bone density is built up before your 30s, she suggests storing up on calcium in your 20s and then continuing to eat a high-calcium diet. Similarly, heart disease can be deadly and often doesn't reveal itself until you have a heart attack. "Keep your arteries squeaky skin," she says. "Eat a diet low in saturated fats, high in omega-3s and with lots of fruits, vegetable, beans and oats."

The 5 Most Hydrating Foods


Summer might slowly be winding down, but that doesn't mean you don't need to stay hydrated! Read on for five of the top most hydrating foods.

1. Watermelon: A 2009 study at the University of Aberdeen Medical School found that the combination of salts, minerals and natural sugars in some fruits and vegetables can actually hydrate people more effectively than water or even sports drinks. Watermelon was on top of the list, thanks to its 92 percent water content and essential re-hydration salts calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium.

2. Bell peppers: Colorful bell peppers are 92 percent water, yet they're still rich sources of some of the best nutrients available, including vitamin C, thiamine, vitamin B6, beta carotene, and folic acid.

3. Grapefruit: According to researchers at Scripps Clinic in California, the chemical properties of grapefruit lower insulin levels and help control appetite, which can lead to weight loss. Try adding half a grapefruit to your breakfast or drink a glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice any time of day.

RELATED: Top 50 Summer Diet Foods For Weight Loss

4. Eggplant: Eggplants have all the qualities of an excellent weight-loss food: They're high in fiber and water but low in calories. Just avoid recipes that involve frying. Eggplant's spongy texture means it will absorb a lot of oil and as a result, negate the calorie advantage.

RELATED: 50 Seemingly Healthy Foods That Aren't

5. Kiwis: One large, juicy kiwi has only 56 calories and 20 percent more vitamin C than an orange.

More on SHAPE:
What To Eat Before Working Out
15 Bikini-Friendly Beers
7 Common Diet Myths Debunked!

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