5 bad habits that are making you age faster

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Skimping on your workouts can make you age faster!

Skimping on your workouts can make you age faster!Credit: sxc.hu/ctr, ctr

Why do some women look like they did when they were in college, while others look at least a decade older than their real age? Skin and beauty experts tell us that wrinkles and mottled skin is usually the result of too much fun in the sun, but several other factors in your daily life could be making you age that much faster. If you're not watching your diet, keeping up with an exercise routine or getting enough sleep, you could setting yourself on the fast track to wrinkles, fine lines and an aged look.

These five habits could be making you age faster:

#1: Going on Another Crash Diet

If you've been yo-yo dieting for years and just can't resist going on another extreme diet, make this the year that you stop. Extreme diets may help you shed pounds within a few weeks, but they can also cause stretch marks, slow down your metabolism and hurt your heart. Losing too much weight can also leave you with a very gaunt, aged appearance.

#2: Taking on More than You Can Handle

If you're always in a rush and seem to have a non-stop life, it's time to slow down! Too much stress, anxiety and worry will catch up with you in the form of worry lines on your forehead to bouts of fatigue. Give your adrenal glands a break and learn how to reduce stress naturally. Take up yoga or adopt some deep breathing techniques to make your life more manageable - and less stressful.

#3: Skipping the Workout

It's okay to miss a workout now and then when you're just overbooked, but too many missed days at the gym can make you lose muscle tone and reduce endurance. If you can't clock in a full workout, try simple exercises such as speed walking for 20 minutes or even jump roping for 10 minutes. A "mini" workout can be effective for raising your metabolism and will also get the blood flowing.

#4: Going to Bed with Makeup On

A major beauty no-no, this is one habit you need to get rid of as soon as possible. Leaving makeup on while you sleep can clog up your pores and prevent your skin cells from recuperating after a long day. You need to do everything possible to increase cell turnover - leaving your makeup on won't help. Make sure you go through your cleansing, toning and moisturizing routine every night to keep skin looking youthful.

#5: Rubbing Your Eyes

The delicate skin around your eyes is vulnerable to developing wrinkles and lines. Don't assist Mother Nature with the aging process by rubbing your eyes on a regular basis. If your eyes need a little refresher or you feel tired, apply a warm towel over them or reduce puffiness with the help of some warm tea bags.


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