11 Ways to Kick Stress to the Curb

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Credit: lululemon athletica

Credit: lululemon athletica

By Jennipher Walters, www.FitBottomedGirls.com

While a little stress can sometimes be a good motivator to get you moving or complete a project at work (just think of all those papers you wrote in college at the last minute—or was that just me?), too much stress is bad, news bears. Not only can it wreak havoc on your mental state (anxiety, ahhh!!!), it can also disrupt your sleep, increase carb cravings, store more fat in your belly and generally make you pretty miserable. Which pretty much stinks. So read on for our top tips to say good bye to unnecessary stress!

11 Tips to Kick Stress to the Curb

1. Move your body. This is pretty obvious but exercise is mad-good for reducing stress and getting those happy endorphins going!

2. Focus on one thing at a time. Multitasking is great and all, but it's not very efficient when it's making you crazy, is it?

3. Sleep! good night's rest makes everything better, so be sure to make hitting the hay a priority.

4. Talk to yourself like your best friend. Are you your own worst critic? Retrain that brain and love yo'self!

5. Mediate. This isn't just for the hippity-dippitymediation is for everyone. And the good news? There's no right or wrong way to do it. So just try it!

6. Understand stress' effect on your body. When there's too much, stress can be a nasty beast. Learn howstress can affect your weight and cause cravings, so that you don't just think you've lost all self control. It's body-chemistry, baby!

7. Eat the right foods. A clean and healthy diet can help your body deal with stress. As can these little extras!

8. Just say no. If you're spread too thin, it's time to start doing what you love and saying no to the rest—despite any and all obligations. It's hard at first but gets easier once you feel the results of your nay-saying.

9. Try yoga or Pilates. If you want to calm those racing thoughts, there's nothing better than a calming yoga or Pilates workout that gets you more in touch with that mind-body connection. You don't even have to leave your home for it!

10. Do it. No really, do the horizontal mambo, tango, two-step. Whatever you call it, sex reduces stress!

11. Laugh out loud often. Whether it's a funny movie, chatting with a hilarious friend about your ridiculous day or watching one of our fit funnies or belly laughs, a good giggle-fest always makes everything better.

Feeling better already? We thought so! Tell us your favorite way to de-stress in this poll! —Jenn


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