Getting A Workout While You Move

Monday, August 29, 2011

Getting A Workout While You Move

A lot of people find themselves moving in the summer. There's no way around it, moving isn't fun. I tried to consider the positive aspects of moving and I wondered if it might at least be an opportunity to get a non-traditional workout. Well, it turns out, it is!

Rather than just feeling sore and tired, I sought out some advice from Laura McHolm of NorthStar Moving on how to move and exercise the right way. Laura laughed at my question and said, "Wow, you haven't moved for a while if you're wondering how to get a workout when you pack and/or move. And that can only mean one thing: you've accumulated a ton of stuff. And, man oh man, are you going to be sore if you don't learn these simple tips." (Fortunately, I'm not moving anytime soon. I just moved last summer and thought I'd help you other gals out!)

Laura's an expert mover and offers these ideas:

  1. Stretch before, during and after.

  2. Hydrate otherwise known as drink lots of water.

  3. Now is the time to blast the fat out of your closet too. Sort and be ruthless and then off to your favorite charity with the clothes that aren't trimmed down to the core.

  4. Organize ahead of time: Break the task down, rather than break your back. One room at a time. One weekend per room. This is when it's okay to pile it on: pile of move, pile of donate, pile of recycle and pile of return to rightful owner.

  5. Bend at the knees when you lift anything. No joke. Do it.

  6. Pack smaller amounts in boxes and fill the top of the boxes with packing paper to keep boxes light and tight.

  7. Wear sensible shoes, don't you just hate it when your Mom was right?

  8. Take lots of breaks. Angry birds, anyone?

  9. Lift your phone and call the movers because honestly, it's not worth ruining that mani-pedi and that budding friendship with the hot guy with a pick-up truck.

  10. Now stretch again and relax, the movers on their way. Maybe, more budding friendships too.

When's the last time you moved? Do you have any advice for other gals about how to make moving a little bit easier?


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