5 bad habits that are making you tired

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Is your soda habit making you tired?

Is your soda habit making you tired?Credit: sxc.hu/dolar, dolar

Do you get through your days full of energy and a positive attitude, or do you find yourself dragging your feet before lunchtime? If you're always feeling rundown, you may have adopted some bad habits that are making you tired. Findings from a recent National Sleep Foundation poll show that almost two-thirds of American adults say they aren't getting at least seven hours of sleep, on average, each night, and technology could be to blame. Still, a lack of sleep could be just one reason why you're not feeling your best each day.

Here are five bad habits that could be making you tired:

#1: Your Coffee or Soda Addiction

All that caffeine in your favorite coffee concoction or can of soda may give you that buzz you crave, but too much caffeine will tax your adrenal glands and you could end up feeling tired and restless. As your tolerance for caffeinated beverages increases, it will be even harder to break out of the cycle because you'll need more just to get your buzz. If you drink more than four cups per day (or the equivalent), it's time to cut back, say experts at the Mayo Clinic.

#2: Slouching All Day

Poor posture is the primary cause of many health problems, and fatigue is high on the list. Dr. Adrian Couzner, a chiropractor at Chirosports in Sydney points out that poor posture contributes to fatigue because it reduces mobility in your joints and muscles, and drains you of energy. When you slouch, you're making your body work harder just to get through simple movements. Stand up straight and watch your posture when sitting down to enjoy more energy throughout your day.

#3: Shallow Breathing

Shallow breathing limits the amount of oxygen flowing to your brain and body, which may be making you feel worn out. If you work at a computer all day, watch your breathing. It's easy to get into the habit of shallow breathing when you're not moving around much for several hours at a time. Take frequent breaks so that you can stretch, walk around and engage in some deep breathing exercises to get that oxygen flowing again.

#4: Snacking on Processed Food

Nadine Saubers, author of "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Fighting Fatigue", says that a diet of processed foods is a major trigger of fatigue. Eating more whole foods, and taking the time to prepare and cook "real" food may just give your energy level that much-needed boost.

#5: Holding on to Anger

While you may have your physical habits in check, make sure you're not guilty of bad emotional habits that could be causing fatigue. Holding on to anger or not releasing stress in a healthy way could be causing tension in your body and draining you of much-needed energy. Give yourself time to deal with emotional issues so that they don't interfere with your daily life. Whether this involves talking to someone you trust, writing a letter to the person you're angry with (and not sending it), or confronting an issue that has been on your mind lately, find away to let go and move on.

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