How to Live a Healthy, Stress-Filled Life

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

It wasn't very long ago that I found myself at the doctor's office thanks to a little mishap. After the usual "check in" routine of weight, temperature and blood pressure, I was left to stare at the posters on the wall until the doctor made his way to my room. For the first time in my life, I noticed the blood pressure chart that tells you what's healthy and what's not. Having just received an "Oh wow" after taking mine, I was suddenly aware of how GREAT my blood pressure is. And while I hadn't previously known what the numbers meant, I do know that my numbers have been very close for the last several years (also known as some seriously stressful years of my life).

I'd always been worried about my stress levels and the damage I might have done to my body. But the more I thought about my numbers and my stress, the more I realized that I've always managed it extremely well. Here's a breakdown of how I keep my stress levels in check, despite having had plenty of reasons to have a breakdown at times!

Don't Let Things Fester

When I'm upset or stressed out about something, I can usually only sit with it for a short period of time. MAYBE a day max, but for the most part, I can't go but a few hours before processing and extracting it from my body in some way. I do this in several ways...

  • Write in My Journal: This is almost always where I start. If I even have a hint of a nagging feeling or frustration around something, I know I need to sit down with my journal and just write. I write what comes to mind and before I know it, clarity around what's eating at me pours out.
  • Talk to a Great Friend: There's nothing like spilling your feelings, fears, stresses and frustrations to someone you can trust with every word. Someone you can also trust to give you honest feedback about your situation.
  • Address the Problem Head On: Sometimes people stress me out and other times it's situations. Once I take the time to process what I'm feeling on paper (or talking to a good friend), I move on to addressing the problem head on. I talk to the person who is frustrating me. I deal with the project or task that's causing me stress. I take action towards resolving the situation. I never process these things and then leave it at at that. If you don't deal with what's stressing you out, it's only going to happen again and again.

Do What's Good for the Soul

There are some days that I'm just too stressed out and overwhelmed to focus. This only causes more stress because I have so much to do and I can't seem to get anything done. This is when I make it a point to walk away from my to do list and whatever it is I'm working on. I do something that's good for my soul and will recharge and refresh me so that I'm able to tackle my workload. Sometimes this involves the beach, a good book or a walk around the block. Whatever it is, I make sure that it gets me out in the fresh air doing something I love!

Get Over It

You heard me. GET. OVER. IT. I've had some pretty crappy things pulled on me in my life and I don't have one tiny ounce of resentment towards those people. I don't hold grudges and have no ill-will towards anyone in my life. I certainly don't always forget, but I absolutely get over it and move on with my life. I can't tell you what a powerful feeling it is to truly get over something. To not have any of your emotions or energy invested in someone or something negative. There's no good that can come from grudges and resentment. And besides, these things are ALWAYS in the past and that's where your associated emotions need to stay.

Move and Nourish Your Body

On top of managing your stress, you need to take great care of your body. Research is clear that negative stress has a definite impact on your health and immune system.

  • Get in a Great Workout: Run, lift some weights, take a walk or hike, do some yoga. When you're stress is so high that you can feel it running through your veins, burn it off with a blood pumping workout! Personally, I love to run as it's the only workout that "clears the stress congestion" that I feel in my chest.
  • Get Enough Sleep: Stress wears you down and you need to make sure that you're giving your body the proper amount of sleep that it needs. When I'm stressed, I've got to have at least 9 hours of sleep. You better believe that I take it, because if I don't, I often end up sick and exhausted.
  • Eat Healthy, Nourishing Foods: I like to snack when I'm stressed… particularly on chips. Things I can crunch, crunch, crunch! But those chips leave me feeling bleh, which never makes the situation better. When I eat clean and healthy foods, I have more energy, my mood improves and I don't feel icky on top of feeling stressed.

None of this is to say that living a high-stress life is okay, but the fact is, we all experience stress from time to time. So take some time to think about the things that nourish your soul, relieve the tension and make your body feel it's best. More importantly, USE THOSE THINGS when you find yourself stressed or overwhelmed.


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