Are Juice Cleanses Safe?

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Are Juice Cleanses Safe?

Photo: © iStockphoto

The idea of drinking juices to detox your body is alluring—and if weight loss is your goal, it might seem like an easy way out of intensive cardio sessions. But what do these quick-fix concoctions really do to your health? Find out what Andrea Giancoli, MPH, RD, spokeswoman for the American Diabetic Association has to say about the fad.

The idea that we need to rid our bodies of certain toxins is not supported by science— the colon, kidneys and liver are naturally designed to remove anything our bodies don't need. The claim of quick weight loss may sound appealing, but you're probably just going to lose water weight (which you'll regain). If the cleanse lasts more than a few days, you'll lose lean muscle mass, too.

The key to lasting weight loss is developing healthy eating and exercise habits that you can stick with, which a cleanse does not help you do. What's more, these cleanses can actually be harmful because many don't provide enough calories. As a result, you can end up with fatigue, dizziness (caused by low blood sugar) and muscle problems (from electrolyte imbalances).


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