10 Minutes to All-Over Toned

Friday, September 2, 2011


Go for the gold

From Health magazine

Get a more beautiful body in less than 10 minutes a day with these fat-blasting (and energizing) moves from trainer Erin O'Brien, who created the workouts for Olympic gold medalist and former Dancing with the Starschampion Kristi Yamaguchi's new DVD, Power Workout.

Choose a move for theupper body, a move for thelower body, and a move for the core, then do two sets using 5- to 8-pound dumbbells.


Upper body: Overhead Press with Rotation

Stand tall with feet hip-width apart and dumbbells crossed over each other in an X shape; hold dumbbells with both hands down in front of you. Engage abs and raise dumbbells overhead. Bend elbows to lower dumbbells behind head, keeping arms close to head; straighten elbows, then do 2 more overhead presses.

Lower dumbbells to right hip and rotate torso to right. Return to center, then raise dumbbells back overhead for 3 triceps presses. Lower to left hip, rotate torso to left, and return to center. Bring dumbbells back overhead for 3 triceps presses. Do entire sequence 8 times.


Upper body: Triceps down dog

*More challenging

Get into push-up position with arms straight (don't lock elbows), feet shoulder-width apart, and hands directly under shoulders. Bend elbows to lower down as far as you can, then straighten them.

Lift your hips toward the ceiling as you push back into Down Dog position, pressing your heels toward the floor. Return to plank position. Do entire sequence 10 times.


Lower body: Dead lift with squat

Stand with feet hip-width apart and knees slightly bent; hold a dumbbell in each hand with palms facing the fronts of your thighs. Tighten abs and hinge forward at the waist so your upper and lower body form a 90-degree angle.

Bend your knees and push your butt back to come into a low squat—don't let knees go past toes. Return to previous position (still leaning forward), then repeat squat 2 more times. Return to starting position. Do entire sequence 8 times.


Lower body: One-legged lunge with lift

*More challenging

Stand with feet hip-width apart; hold a dumbbell in each hand with arms straight and palms facing in. Step your left leg out to the side, and bend your left knee to lower into a side lunge (keep left knee behind toes); hinge slightly forward at the waist.

Straighten your left knee as you lift your right leg straight out to the side—you should still be leaning forward. Return to previous position, then to standing. Repeat on the opposite side. Do entire sequence 10 times.


Core: Roll-Up

Sit on a mat with knees bent and feet on the floor. Clasp the undersides of your thighs with both hands, then hinge back and lift your feet until your lower legs are parallel to the floor.

Roll down slowly until you're lying on your back with shoulders and feet raised; without pausing, use your ab muscles to roll right back up.Do entire sequence 8 times before lowering feet to the floor.


Core: C-Curve

*More challenging

Sit on a mat with knees bent and feet on the floor. Hinge back and lift your feet until your lower legs are parallel to the floor; bend elbows to bring your fists near your chin in fight position. Extend your left leg as you twist your torso to the right; return to center, then repeat on the opposite side. Do entire sequence 8 times before lowering feet to the floor.

Credit: Jay Sullivan


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