The One Product That Fights All Blemishes

Thursday, August 18, 2011

This past weekend I headed up to Saratoga, NY—a sleepy country town that also happens to have awesome food, great shopping and a really fun horse-racing scene (don't worry, I saved my money for the boutiques). I loaded up on SPF and enjoyed some quality time outside including a BBQ on Saturday that went well into the night.

By Dawn Davis

Unfortunately, while hanging out enjoying nature, I realized I was being attacked by nature: mosquitoes, ugh. I don't know why no one else had a problem, but they were feasting on only me. Even though I'd packed about 300 beauty products, there was no bug spray to be found, and all of the drugstores had been closed for hours (which really made me appreciate the 24-hour everything we have in NYC). I swatted as best I could, but in the morning it was clear that the bugs had won the battle.

Related: 4 Reasons You're Getting Chapped Lips 

Then, the search for anti-itch lotion began: I dug around in my cosmetics bag, and just as I was about to give up, came across this cute, pink roll-on stick—not exactly hydrocortisone cream, but a surprisingly good alternative. I've been obsessed with the the Sampar Prodigal Pen for years—if you dab it on a zit in the early stages, it will kill it right then and there—and it's also a great multitasker. I vaguely remembered learning that it works on bug bites, so I rolled the cool, tingly essential oils all over my splotchy legs. By the time I got in the car to head back to the city, not only had my bites stopped itching, they'd almost disappeared! It also works on razor burn and ingrown hairs...the list goes on. I just ordered another one to keep in my desk at work.


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