Checkup: Back Pain

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Checkup: Back Pain

Photo: © Comstock

Did you know: chronic back pain has been linked to depression, though it's not clear if one actually causes the other; smoking increases your risk of back pain, because it prevents some nutrients from reaching the back; in some hard-to-treat cases, doctors will give patients an epidural. Read on for answers to your questions.

Can I prevent back pain?
Maybe not. Some experts think that it's inevitable as your body ages and undergoes normal wear and tear. But staying at a healthy weight may reduce your chances, since carrying around extra pounds can strain your back. Exercise also helps, especially if you incorporate moves that stretch and strengthen the back and the muscles that support it. Go to for a few easy ones.

What causes it?
Most people hurt their backs by lifting heavy objects or sitting for hours on end. Many women have back pain during and after a pregnancy. In some cases, a medical condition such as scoliosis, arthritis, osteoporosis or a herniated disk (a.k.a. slipped disk) is to blame.

What can I do?
In many cases, the pain gets better on its own in six weeks or less, and you don't have to stay in bed while you're healing, says Kirk Berwick Wood, M.D., chief of orthopedic spine service at Massachusetts General Hospital and professor at Harvard Medical School. Doctors no longer routinely advise extended periods of bed rest for back pain because it can cause the muscles to weaken and lead to blood clots. In the meantime, consider taking painkillers such as acetaminophen or NSAIDs (aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen) to help ease the discomfort. But don't use NSAIDs for more than 3–4 weeks without consulting your doctor, since they can irritate your stomach and may cause liver and kidney problems.

What if the pain doesn't go away? 
Call your doctor, who may prescribe stronger painkillers and refer you to a specialist if necessary. Also consider alternative treatments: Research has shown that massage, acupuncture and yoga really can help. Surgery is considered a last resort, says Dr. Wood. It comes with its own set of risks, such as the possibility of infection, bleeding and nerve damage.


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