Your task this week: Buy extra-virgin olive oil. Start using it in
place of butter or margarine in stir-fries. Make low-fat salad
dressing using 4 tablespoons olive oil, 2 tablespoons vine- gar, salt
and pepper (optional) and dried herbs.Have a fibre-rich, bean-based
dinner instead of meat. Try one of our recipes or open a cookbook for
other great ideas. Rinse canned beans before using them— this will cut
down on the gas factor and wash off some of the salt.Choose a fruit or
vegetable that you don't normally eat and try it this week. Pick
something that's in season, whether it's mango (great in salads and an
excellent source of beta-carotene) or fennel (a superstar antioxidant
that you can throw into soups to add an interesting new flavour to
your repertoire).If you still drink full-cream milk, it's time to
start making the switch. Begin by changing to reduced-fat milk and
drink that for one month. Once you're used to the taste, move to low-
fat milk and drink that for another month, until you're ready for skim
milk. If you haven't tried skim milk in a while, try it again now.
Today, manufacturers add milk solids that make the milk less watery.
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