Mix it up
By Susan Hall
7 a.m.
Interval training (alternating moderate exercise with bursts of intensity) increases fat burn by 36 percent. Try this 30-minute routine: Walk at a moderate pace 1 minute, walk briskly 1 minute, run at a moderate pace 1 minute, then sprint 1 minute; finish with 30 seconds each of lunges and squats. Repeat 6 times.
Eat your oatmeal
9 a.m.
Enjoy 1 cup of cooked oatmeal topped with 2 tablespoons each of walnuts and dried tart cherries, and you'll get three flab-blasting powerhouses—metabolism-revving Resistant Starch (in oatmeal), which can help boost your body's fat-burning ability by 25%; slimming omega-3s (in walnuts); and belly-fat-targeting anthocyanins (in tart cherries).
Hit the lobby bathroom
9:30 a.m.
When nature calls at the office, take the stairs to a loo that's not on your floor. Walk a bit afterward, and you'll burn 40 calories total in 10 minutes.
Curl and chat
10 a.m.
Muscle torches calories, so build more by keeping a set of 5- to 10-pound dumbbells under your desk and doing biceps curls while you're on the phone. You'll burn nearly 20 calories in 5 minutes.
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