It is a normal thing everyday to wash and cleanse our skin but the main big issue here is do we do the washing the correct way or not? You will not believe what you see if you could get a magnifying glass and look at your skin. You will be met by weird looks of musty sweat, oil deposits, decayed make-ups, accumulated dirt and pollutants that are all deposited on the skin surface.
With the increase in air and general pollution, it is irresistible to cleanse your skin, or else you get eruptive skin disorders that will cost you handsomely to get corrected. No matter the skin type and texture it is advisable to cleanse your skin at night. The night cleaning is more important than washing your face in the morning. This is because it will remove all dirt, sweat; make ups, body odor that accumulated during the day time. This gesture also helps the skin breathe and feel fresh at night after along day out hustling and bustling.
What is more shocking is that most people just use soap and water to cleanse their skin with hopes that it will give them effective refreshing effects. But the bottom line is that soaps have alkaline effects that also dry up the skin by ejecting sebum or natural skin oil. This leaves the skin dry and easily irritable. Use of soap can also upset the acid-alkaline equilibrium in the body.
Take note of the following:
• If your skin is the dry type then use of soap can actually speed up precipitate aging by drying out the skin
• In case you have a dried out skin with sensitivity in the type of coarse ,ruby, peeling patches avoid the use of soap altogether
• If you have a greasy skin, avoid washing your face with soap and water more than twice a day. But rinse well your face with bounty of water, and remember that recurrent use of soap makes the skin too alkaline and leaves it more susceptible to bacterial attack
For the normal to dry skin you can start using a rehydrant cleansing gel or cream that will provide emollients and keep the skin lubricated and supple. After the use or application of the cleanser, swab it off using a moist cotton wool so that supplementary moisture exhaustion is barred.
In case your skin ranges from normal to oily and combination skin type, apply the use of cleansing milk. You can as well use soap less cleanser or face wash which are also available. They are in the appearance of a cream which has to be applied on the skin like soap and washed off with water. Get your face wash according to your face type.
But if your skin has complication and problems the likes of pimples, spots and other skin disorders, then use medicated cleansers or soaps has they will not only remove surface oil but also provide fresh feeling.
Use of cleansing grains is recommended for those who want to deep cleanse their skin and are mainly used for oily and cloggy skin and pores. Scrubs are also grainy in texture and will derma braze the skin removing dead epithelial cells and opening the clogged the pores. But they should be applied or rubbed gently on the skin and washed there after with water.
Those are all skin care and cleansing means and ways so it is up to you to get the correct products for your skin.
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